Hong Kong was once a renowned shopping paradise. Good stuff with a reasonable price was the incentive of a Hong Kong trip. Diversity of roadside shops not only pleased the tourists, but also a fond part of our memory. However, with the soaring rental, only big brand chain stores can be found in the main street. The old and character shops are surviving persistently at the edge of the city.
These old mom-and-pop stores and character shops, or small shops, are mostly founded with cultural heritage, tradition, passion and dreams. With the rapid urban development and skyrocketing rental, the owner of small shops are well aware of their lifespan may not be lasting. However, they commit to fight till the end.
Author Mr MW Cho, who is indulging in the cultural side of the Central and Western District, helps Ho Ho Go handpicked some small shops for guests to do their shopping^. These shops located at the heritage trail designed by the Central and Western Concern Group*, a local heritage conservation group actively protecting the historic and cultural landscape of the city. Many traces of Hong Kong lifestyle from the 19th Century and Post-war period can be found along the trail. The historical significance of the area speaks itself.
Guests can to do their shopping and grasp a cup of nice coffee. Ho Ho Go treats you with a Chinese tea gelato en route to enhance the “taste” of the journey%.
^Ho Ho Go Experience is not an owner or shareholder of the small shops. Neither commission nor financial benefit will be engaged in the process. Ho Ho Go Experience shall not be responsible for any liabilities and disputes in relation thereto.
*The route and commentary are based on the walking tour designed by the Central and Western Concern Group for heritage conservation purpose. The Group has indicated no objection to Ho Ho Go Experience for partially adopting the route and commentary.
#If the designated complimentary gift is out of stock, no alternate complimentary gift will be offered.
%If the relevant shop is not in service during the tour period, other arrangement will be made.
Duration: Around 2.5 hours with light refreshments
Level of difficulty*: 
*Please refer to the level of difficulty in Clause 6 of Terms and Conditions